The Effects of Evokation on a Structure.


(Request for comments/Obsevations)

When I returned to NZ back in ’05 – I noted a number of monopolies had evolved in the economic biosphere and indeed there were a LOT of criminals in play around the ever growing immigration industry.
At the time – 66% of all immigrants to NZ were leaving in under 18 months – and indeed the government was making more off of immigration levies than it was tourists.

For me – it meant a water tight criminal organisation with the police in its pocket could pick and choose anything that hit the wharfs in NZ – and rob their owners blind – WITH NO RECOURSE. – Absolute impunity – the local cops wouldnt touch it with a barge pole.

Having worked peripherally with spirits as its pretty standard apprentice/journeyman stuff, it meant taking it to the next level to get my silver smithing workshop – which had been stolen off the wharf – essentially returned.

Put simply I was pissed that a great many tools I could not replace had been stolen.

I worked over a period of months developing a number of double blind processes with others working in the same field and developed a pretty solid and predicable outcome when it came to generic process in the evokation of various entities into physical form. Suffice it to say – the people concerned with stealing: their lives as they knew it came to a sticky end and I rebuilt my workshop accordingly.

At the same time – being the observant chap I am, I diarised everything and took time to analyse results and the further information that would tend to accompany such operations. I got to see the stark difference in outcomes on all levels between the operations as written by McGregor Mathers – and the material that was complete by the likes of Rudd…………….which was just simple and common sense when you looked at it.

This developed a process over some years that grew and evolved. It had a direct effect on the psyche of the operators.

Returning to some of the buildings where I worked at length exclusively in this manner – even after a few short years – the buildings are ready to collapse and a very clear accelerated decrepitude of said structures is most assuredly manifest!

I find it fascinating where buildings erected at the same time, but with very different uses, have ended up with very different fates.

The “Feel” of the Evokation chambers could only be described as “Ragged” and the buildings themselves had fallen into ruin.


1) When frequently engaged in Evokation particularly of Infernal spirits et al – it matters not one jot how hard and thorough your banishing is. The very destructive nature that is part and parcel of that demons orbit and actual function within the universe – WILL by its nature break down all matter into its component parts – THIS is why the complimentary seal is essential as per the Rudd Diaries, and the associated psalm etc.

2) Don’t build your temple in Wood. It doesn’t matter if the wood is treated. Stone is best. You will find all materials outside the circles of both the operator and the triangle of art will start to degrade very quickly. That means the flooring will become unsafe in due form – and the effects even after thorough banishment will bleed into the structure.

It is akin to your circle essentially being a heat shield – over time – there will be some bleed there’s just no avoiding it.

3) Stone appears to be unaffected in the short term as far as stone is concerned. Brass, glass and so forth even more so. Synthetic materials seem for the most part to be untouched – but anything that can be broken down into its component parts WILL BE.

Its fascinating to see a “Rot” take hold and do so much damage in such a short while.


I am left unconcerned about the process of Evokation except that for the sake of the building – perhaps in closing something more could be added to the ritual. That said – the typical ritual does in of itself set the area back to a “Zero” and not a vacuum. Thus its not drawing anything in – the damage is already done, and then compounded with repeated operations. Essentially the space/time of the area is worn thin and pretty much shredded.

I feel therefore the effects of the workings is unavoidable and as such the quick and inexpensive erection of a temple using materials like wood is something to reconsider for the long term. The competent magician must fall back on their ever growing resources accordingly and plan for the future by building right the first time.

As tends to be the case – using the right tool for the job extends beyond Wand and Blade.